15+ Powerful Things That Inspire Me Everyday

It was after 8AM in the UK. I woke up inspired.

I wrote down my goals as If I’ve already achieved them, and I’m committed to making them come to fruition.

I’m confident that I can. Why? Because I’m Inspired.

Inspiration is what keeps me going regardless of the amount of stairs I’ve got to climb. Or how many walls I’ve got to climb over.

Or how many obstacles I’ve got to smash through.

Or how many dumb naysayers attempt to get in my way. That’s what Inspiration has the power to do If you focus on the things that keep you inspired, every day.

Here are some powerful things that Inspire me every day, that may inspire you into action as well.


1. Possibility

Batumi Georgia Building Theo J Ellis

That’s right. It’s not your “average” source of inspiration, but it makes a massive difference for me.

The way to define possibility is something that’s achievable, likely, or probable.

The fact that the goals and purpose I strive for are achievable is what keeps me so inspired every day.

The fact that there are others before me who’ve already achieved and accomplished it for themselves. That’s more than proof enough of what’s possible.

When you can confirm that something is possible, it gives you the energy and determination to keep pushing.

That’s how powerful Inspiration can be when you focus on what Inspires you.

Relevant: The Fears You Need To Eliminate To Build Self Confidence


2. Creativity

Anime Creative Art Red Hair Design

I’ve always been the creative type since I was a kid, though at the time I dismissed it. I let society get in the way of that truth.

But creativity inspires me to do greater things than I’m already doing or have done.

That includes:

  • Innovation.
  • A unique song.
  • A fresh take on something.
  • A unique article.
  • A creative drawing.
  • Anime.
  • Writing.
  • Music.
  • Ideas.

And anything else that aligns with creativity. Seeing something fresh, unique and different Inspires me to also be fresh, recreate and reinvent myself.

It inspires me to avoid getting into a rut so I can better stand out and become a better version of myself.


3. Music


Music is a big one, and it may be a big one for you too. As it is with many people.

I’ve been listening to and enjoying music for as long as I can remember.

Probably 7-8+ years old. For me it’s not about the genre or type of music, it’s more about the music itself.

I can take Inspiration from:

  1. Hip hop.
  2. R & B.
  3. Jazz.
  4. Opera.
  5. Instrumentals.

And any form of music.

As long as I like it of course and it fits my musical tastes. Music speaks to people in unique ways and it’s that uniqueness that tends to keep me inspired.

The instruments, tones, sounds, bass, and the whole mix play a part in that.


4. Ambition

If there’s one thing I can’t get enough of, it’s ambition.

Ambition can be defined as being eager or hungry to aspire and accomplish something.

When I read about people who are full of ambition, it gets me excited and Inspired. Especially those who have achieved a lot and continue to push for more out of choice.

That keeps me inspired to the core of my being.

For me, it’s an attractive trait for anybody to have. And it keeps me going even when I don’t feel like continuing after having a bad day.


5. The past

Theo J Ellis Kid
Old school picture of me.

The past is a form of inspiration if you look at it in the right context.

A lot of people see the past as this “bad” place they never wanna return to. And some obsess over it so much they’re still living in it. And their “present” actions reflect that.

But when I see the past, even the parts I don’t like, I use it as a source of inspiration.

I try to look at the “good” I can take from the bad, and use the bad as a means of pushing me in the present to achieve even more. And to make sure those mistakes can never be repeated.

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6. Rewards


Riding a speedboat in Azerbaijan.

Rewards aren’t my biggest and most important inspiration, but they do help and make a difference.

Work, business, the hustle and grind, none of this matters if there’s nothing at the end of it. You’re just a robot otherwise.

There needs to be some sort of reward, and I’m not talking about something grand or luxurious. Unless you want that.

For me though the reward can be freedom itself. The freedom to do whatever the fuck I want and still be getting paid regardless.

Or it could be simple like buying myself a new hoodie, a pair of trainers, or going somewhere new. Or a weekend getaway, etc.

It all depends on your wants and needs, but it can inspire you in its own way to do something or make something of your life.


7. Experiences


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Life is about memories and experiences. And it’s experiences as well as the thought of having those experiences that keep me inspired.

After all, we all want to experience something, no matter how big or small.

I want to experience Japan and the cities, towns and hot spots it has.

I want to experience my dreams and goals to the fullest, as well as any new goals I set and accomplish for myself.

I want to experience what I know deep down is possible in this lifetime.

There are a ton of things I want to experience and I’m going to experience them all. As much as possible.

That right there is what keeps me inspired, energetic, determined and driven to keep going.

It gives me the fuel needed to persevere and bring it all to fruition.

Nothing will stop me or hold me back from getting it. That’s the kind of thing Inspiration can do to a person.


8. Health

Ganja Azerbaijan Theo J Ellis Fountain

Let’s keep it real: being alive, fit and healthy is everything. Especially with the coronavirus and the madness in the world right now.

Waking up, being alive, and being able to do so much with my day, every day is a blessing.

My gratitude and the fact that I’m healthy is a source of inspiration. It makes me wanna do something.

It’s why I’m motivated to make something not just of my day, but of life.

I don’t take any of it for granted, even if my health isn’t “perfect” in a literal sense.


9. Business

Love Peace And Business T Shirt Green Theojellis

Business is my life. Always has been. Never wanted to do anything other than have, run, and own my own businesses.

But in general – I take inspiration from things like that every day.

I take inspiration from wanting to take things to the next level in business.

Sometimes it’s seeing other businesses, how they’re run, the people running it (and so on) that gives me inspiration.

Success of course is a source of inspiration, but that’s on a lower level. S

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10. Challenges

Life is hard if you’re not being challenged. And if you’re not the most enthusiastic about challenging yourself constantly, then it may not be a source of inspiration for you.

For me – being challenged and going out of my way to push to the next level is inspiring.

Sometimes life is in need of some changes because things have become stale or too predictable.

Challenges break that mould, and the ideas that come with it (and excitement) are what create the inspiration.

Read: 10 Brutally Honest Lessons Life Has Taught Me


11. Doing something new


I’m the type of person who rearranges my room every 2 months or so because I can get bored with the layout.

Or I might pick somewhere new on the map and decide to go there.

Or I’ll try to do something in a new way, with a new approach, a new idea, etc.

Doing something new is a source of inspiration. Especially once you’ve actually done it.

Too much of the same can eventually get too mundane.


12. Travelling


Travelling is one of the most rewarding things a person can do (see point #6). It’s something I’ve always wanted to do even before reading the book “Suitcase Entrepreneur” back in the 2010s.

I’ve always wanted my own businesses, and that has tied into wanting the freedom to travel and do what I want.

Travelling inspires me for the obvious reason of experiencing NEW things, seeing new people, new faces, places, cultures, backgrounds, histories, and so much more.

It makes you want to do things that are important as a result of seeing others do the same in spite of their circumstances (depending on the country) or their unique struggles.

The happy faces you see and the shockingly positive attitude despite hardships in many countries are also a source of inspiration.

And of course, the “unknown” of the journey and where it may lead acts as a source of inspiration as well since it guarantees that everything is fresh and unpredictable (see points #10 and #11).


13. Spontaneity

Alibaba Restaraunt Batumi Georgia
I randomly went to the Alibaba Restaurant, Georgia.


This continues from the last point about travelling.

The act of travelling has massive levels of spontaneity because you never know what could happen where you go, especially if that place is deliberately new.

An example is when I travelled to Georgia (I don’t know anyone who’s been there). After being in this country, I met Russians, Azerbaijanis, Ukrainians, Germans, and so on.

Many of these groups of people I’ve never encountered before, especially Russians.

This left an impression on me that I could never have experienced if I played it safe or “only” travelled to places that are predictable, rigid, and expected (rather than being spontaneous).

In general, being spontaneous will always lead you to new things and that will always inspire you in some unpredictable way because of the impression it can leave on you, and because of the ideas it will spark.


14. Family


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Family – where would we be without them? I don’t mean by blood, I mean the term FAMILY, whatever that means to you since everyone’s situation is different.

Family inspires me for many reasons:

  • Wanting to do well for them.
  • Wanting to see them do their best.
  • The reciprocation of those feelings.
  • Keeping family in mind when pursuing goals.
  • The love for your family.

Family is everything, regardless of blood, It alone should be plenty to inspire you into action. especially if you know WHY.


15. Contribution

Contribution Word On Red Keyboard Button
contribution word on red keyboard button

Making a contribution, and an effort to contribute is inspiring. The more you contribute, the more you want to continue contributing, which leads to results and feeds the loop over and over again.

This leads to ideas you wouldn’t have considered, thoughts you never conceived, and sometimes, even friendships, partnerships, and developing relationships that feed into the “inspiration” loop much more.

Writing, blogging, books, charity, listening to someone’s concerns, creating programs or services….

Whatever the method, contribution not only leads to other positive outcomes but also the inspiration needed to go after what you want in life and have the desire to do so.


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