40+ Of The BEST Kevin Samuels Quotes Fans Will Appreciate

Kevin Samuels was a man who first started critiquing men with his brutal honesty on YouTube (for their betterment) and then went on to do the same with women.

Focusing predominantly on the black community.

Once women caught the wind of his surgical-precision style videos offering advice, he blew up and became the legend he is in spite of his early demise in the digital world.

Let’s focus on Kevin Samuels’s quotes that are a mixture of:

  • Encouragement.
  • Inspiration.
  • Motivation.
  • Life Lessons.

And more that offer insight, ideas, his thought process, and more you may learn from.


The Best Kevin Samuels Quotes:

“Just put your head down and work hard for five years; and you will fill your life with brighter possibilities than you could have possibly imagined.” – Kevin Samuels


“Fashion and style have always been passions of mine for as long as I can remember. And a background in professional sales as well as in advertising and marketing was real world training for just how important your appearance is to your success.” – Kevin Samuels


“You don’t have to have the resources of the top 1%, but you must have the mindset they do.” – Kevin Samuels


“Do not give to anybody based upon your level of attraction or interest. Do or give based upon their level of investment. If she gives 1 you give 1, if she gives 2 you give 2. Making women not earn you time is a great way to get stuck in the friend zone or losing attraction.” – Kevin Samuels


“Winners find a way to win, losers give you reasons why they can’t.” – Kevin Samuels


“Throughout history, losers and quitters have always found a way to justify losing.” – Kevin Samuels


“We have gotten to the point where we don’t know how to relate to each other. We know how to swipe left, swipe right, hook up, and get on.” – Kevin Samuels


“A woman who’s smart and cooperative but not agreeable is kind of useless. Cause she’ll only cooperate when she agrees. A woman who’s cooperative and agreeable but not smart is kinda like the blind leading the blind.” – Kevin Samuels


“A high value man starts with money. Now there are a lot of people who don’t like that concept, but I didn’t come up with the whole notion of a six-figure guy, this has been with us since 1985.” – Kevin Samuels


“Anytime someone is a winner, they have haters.” – Kevin Samuels


“Get rid of the flip-flops. Get rid of the sandals and dress like a grown up woman. Get rid of the yoga pants and anything that shows your natural *ss. Get rid of things that show your midriff or your stomach. We don’t need to see all of that, that’s for your man.” – Kevin Samuels


“Whatever you desire to do, you can get it done. Stop the excuses.” – Kevin Samuels


“Ask a woman what she wants from a man and she’ll give you a thesaurus, a list, an encyclopedia. Ask what she brings to the table and you can write it on the back of a stamp.” – Kevin Samuels


“A high-value woman is attractive and appealing, she has a comforting character, she’s discerning and disciplined, she’s enthusiastic and exuberant, she’s loyal and liberated. That’s the definition of a high-value woman.” – Kevin Samuels


“You have to be brutally honest about where you are and where you want to get to. Understand how far that is and then put in the work.” – Kevin Samuels


“Chivalry is dead because women killed it.” – Kevin Samuels


“Money-making is a social activity and success is shared; you will only go so far without other people.” – Kevin Samuels


“Men get told every day where they rank, they get rejected all the time. Men known what they quote unquote ‘qualify’ for.
But women for the last 30 to 40 years have been told they can have it all whenever they want, no matter how they are. And they’ve been given an unrealistic expectation of their actual sexual marketplace value.” – Kevin Samuels


“I get so sick of black people with their zodiac sh*t.” – Kevin Samuels


“Gentlemen, if a woman is not good for your ego, get rid of her.” – Kevin Samuels


“Making a man in your present pay for stuff in your past equals no future.” – Kevin Samuels


“You can lose the game, but don’t lose the lesson.” – Kevin Samuels


“Men in general, worldwide were more masculine because we didn’t have feminism. Your mother’s generation and your grandmother’s generation, they really failed you guys because they told you, you didn’t need a man.

So who raised these feminine weak black men that you have a problem with? Who raised them? 80 procent of black children are born out of wedlock. Who raised them? Black women.” – Kevin Samuels


“If a man values himself, then there’s no reason that he shouldn’t be able to succeed on his own terms.” – Kevin Samuels


“So many modern women today cannot deliver the girlfriend experience. That’s why you don’t get the wife treatment. The girlfriend experience is respect, affection, support, peace and tranquility.” – Kevin Samuels


“The reason you’re not successful is not that you lack information, it’s because you lack desire.” – Kevin Samuels


“I think a lot of mixed messages are sent out to women. When I come out and say something that we talk about on the basketball court, in the barber shop, in the gym, at Buffalo Wild Wings amongst men that we accept to be true, it’s ‘shocking.'” – Kevin Samuels


“Classy women don’t lie. Weave is a lie, make-up is a lie, waist trainers are a lie, spanks are a lie, girdles are a lie. Stop lying.” – Kevin Samuels


“You cannot wait until everything is perfect, you have to start improving yourself with the skills you currently have.” – Kevin Samuels


“We’re shocked because people don’t tell women the truth these days. Men get told the truth all the time, women have no problem telling a man: I don’t want an average man. It happens every day on my show.” – Kevin Samuels


“What percentage of men in this country make six figures or more? It’s 10%. So the question is what do those men, who make that kind of money, who all women tend to want…what do they want?” – Kevin Samuels


“You are going to be insulted if you’re a winner. Winners always get insulted by losers. They’re gonna throw a lot of insults at you, but the one thing they’re not gonna be able to do is beat you.” – Kevin Samuels


“If you continue to do what you do, you will continue to get what you’ve got.” – Kevin Samuels


“Anyone can have a good year or two, but if you string it together that implies some sort of consistency.” – Kevin Samuels


“I don’t care about your pride. You can’t be proud and broke at the same time.” – Kevin Samuels


“Women want men who are purpose and goal-oriented. They want men who are driven, productive, competitive and successful.” – Kevin Samuels


“Most men want relationships, most men want marriage. Who’s leaving relationships? Women are walking out of the door 70 to 90 percent of the time. And who are they listening to? Women.” – Kevin Samuels


“If you’re a quality thorough man, it is your responsibility to yourself to marry a woman who has an exceptional mindset and leads with her femininity. Femininity is non-negotiable.” – Kevin Samuels


“As a man, you must have utility; you must be of use to a group of people. If other people don’t see you as useful, then you’re not a high-value man.” – Kevin Samuels


“Whether you like it or not, the market decides your value. The market decides everything.” – Kevin Samuels


“If you’re a man, ask yourself the question; do people invite you to anything? Do people invite you to go anywhere? If not, then you’ve got work to do.” – Kevin Samuels


“Men have never picked women based upon their degree. That is why you can be on fries at McDonald’s, but if you look like Kelly Rowland you can marry a billionaire.” – Kevin Samuels


“We ask so much of each other without realizing how much of a sacrifice it is to give someone what they want physically, mentally, and financially.” Kevin Samuels


“Don’t ask the world to respect you if you don’t respect yourself.” – Kevin Samuels


“You can decide to win in your life, but the first thing you need to do is stop complaining about everything that’s within your control.” – Kevin Samuels


“Women by nature want to consolidate on the highest value man possible. Social media and dating apps have made it to where you have 100% of women wanting men in the top 10 to 20%.” – Kevin Samuels


Why Life Gets Better When You Stop Giving A Fuck

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