2023 may be in the rearview mirror at this point, but it doesn’t mean the effects of the year have vanished yet.

Like how many people from certain countries were interested in living abroad, moving overseas, and travelling when looking at data from 2023 (trends and popularity).

living abroad trends travel google trends

Some countries on this list may surprise you, while either not too much or vaguely.

Let’s get started.


Countries where “living abroad” is a major interest 2023:


  1. Ireland.
  2. Nepal.
  3. United Kingdom.
  4. Ghana.
  5. Qatar.
  6. Cyprus.
  7. Lebanon.
  8. Uzbekistan.
  9. Nigeria.
  10. New Zealand.

travel data google trends 2023

Ireland being number one might surprise some people given how small the country is, and the fact that more people from Ireland are interested in “Living abroad” more than any other country, including the UK or otherwise.

2nd is Nepal, which is also a big surprise or maybe depending on your point of view.

Besides the UK being 3rd, you have Ghana on the list, then Qatar, Cyrpus, then more African or Middle Eastern countries with New Zealand 10th.


Honourable mentions (runner ups):

  • United Arab Emirates (11th).
  • Kenya (12th).
  • Canada (13th).
  • Cambodia (14th).
  • Switzerland (15th).


Top countries interested in Living abroad (2004 to present-day January 2024)

living abroad since 2004 stats present day google

  1. Malta.
  2. Ireland.
  3. Cyrpus.
  4. Qatar.
  5. Nepal.
  6. United Kingdom.
  7. Lebanon.
  8. United Arab Emirates.
  9. Cambodia.
  10. Ghana.

region interests living abroad google

Malta is the winner this time around when you measure the data in totality from 2004 to the present day.

That’s interesting.

All the other countries have stayed consistent, the major difference is their positioning has been jumbled up. Only the United Arab Emirates And Cambodia made it into the top 10 this time around instead of being in the top 15.

This shows that people in Malta are ultimately the most interested in living abroad, even more so than those in Ireland, the UK, Ghana, Cyprus, or Qatar.


Honourable mentions (runner ups):

  • Bahrain (11th).
  • Uzbekistan (12th).
  • Canada (13th).
  • Nigeria (14th).
  • New Zealand (15th).


How the data is measured


Looking at Google trends data for the term “living abroad” we can see related terms like taxation, us taxes living abroad, IRS, accounting, health insurance, employee benefits, and also other terms that are similar.

This is how the top 10 countries list was measured.


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