Positive Self Esteem Questions You Should Be Asking

Positive Self Esteem Questions

The right perspective makes the impossible possible. – Unknown

Changing the way you look at things, as well as the questions and statements you make will make a huge impact to your self esteem. If done right, followed, and done with consistency and 100% commitment.

Here are some positive self esteem questions for you to start asking yourself. Each question will spark better answers, and help you overcome your challenges as a result.


1. How can I surround myself with people who encourage me?

Birds of a feather REALLY do flock together. The problems with self esteem starts with the flock of birds you’re surrounding yourself with. Or the lack of the right flock of birds you’re surrounding yourself with.

Start writing down answers to this question, then figure out HOW you’re going to start meeting and surrounding yourself with encouraging people.

How others treat you makes a big difference to how much self esteem you have, and how you feel within your own skin. So this question is a crucial first step!


2. What activities make me feel good about myself?

Activities that make ME feel good about myself are writing, contribution, helping others, and exercising. Self esteem is all about how you FEEL about yourself, and how comfortable you are in your own skin.

So write down all the answers that come to your mind, and figure out what activities make you feel better and more confident within your own skin. Do that, and you’ll be one step closer to raising your self esteem higher than it is.


3. What inspirational celebrities have overcome their self esteem issues?

Inspiration is an ingredient none of us should be without. And that’s the purpose of asking this question.

By looking at celebrities who’ve overcome their self esteem issues, especially celebrities you’re fond of, you’ll be inspired to take action and make personal changes.

Seeing others do the thing we want to do ourselves, gives us the courage, self belief, and lets us know that what we’re trying to accomplish is possible.


4. What positive habits can I develop to improve my self esteem?

Everything we do on a daily basis, regardless of self esteem, is because of our daily habits. What you do everyday effects the outcomes of the actions you take in every area of your life.

Here are a couple of positive habits you can develop to boost your self esteem.


Positive affirmations

What you tell yourself everyday is an affirmation. And what you affirm is what you end up believing and becoming.

These affirmations should be useful to you:

  1. I’m overcoming my self esteem issues.
  2. I do things that make me feel good about myself.
  3. I’m more than worth it.
  4. I Intend to surround myself with uplifting people.
  5. I don’t need anybody’s approval to feel good about myself.


Celebrate your accomplishments

It’s so easy to accomplish things and never acknowledge our successes, achievements, and our skills and talents.

But when you acknowledge and celebrate your wins, only then do you recognize what it is you’re capable of doing. Knowing what you’re capable of and knowing you’re good enough to do it makes you feel good about yourself. And rightly so.

So celebrate each win you have, regardless of how big or small it is. Go to a restaurant and eat out, eat junk food, take a short break, go out of town, or anything else you’d consider fun and worth doing to celebrate. It’ll make a big difference to your self esteem overtime.


5. When do I feel most comfortable in my own skin?

Similar to question 2, this is about self awareness. And finding out when you feel most comfortable and confident within your own skin. If you have to, ask friends and family. Ask those closest to you. Ask whoever you trust, and whoever you believe will tell you the 100% truth.

And don’t forget to pay attention to your habits, your days, and how certain things make you feel throughout the days and weeks. The more you know about yourself, the easier it is to do the right things that’ll help you raise your self esteem, instead of crushing it.



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