Jobcentre Plus Is Useless – This Is WHY You Should Avoid It

Some people might be shocked by this type of post… Because most are afraid of voicing their opinions where as I am not.

I’ve had many experiences with the jobcentre that just proves to me they’re not what they claim.

At most, you should use this as a stepping stone and not something to fall back on, or rely on to get you a “job”.

This is why….




1. You’ll End Up With A Job You Hate

Once you’ve signed on and filled out the forms, you’re basically obligated to a specific set of rules.

You get your own so-called “adviser” who will help you get back into work.

You’ll see your job adviser every week or two when signing on. The thing is though… you barely get to choose the jobs you go for.

Most of the time they’ll force jobs on you, and even threaten to stop paying your allowance if you refuse.

And even If you’re qualified to do a better job,  such as – If you had a degree in online marketing, they’d still urge you to go for the cleaning job instead.

As of 2013 some people have had to work 20 hours a week or more to get paid their job seekers allowance. Which is modern-day slavery.


2. You’ll End Up Stuck In The “Comfort” Trap

The money the jobcentre provides you with is nothing but crumbs, and for good reason. Because you can’t expect to be paid a lot of money without working for it.

But even worse than that is the “comfort” trap.

If you rely on the jobcentre for too long, as with anything, you’ll get too comfortable.

And when you get too comfortable, you’ll hinder your own progress. You’ll get in your own way, and you’ll stop yourself from improving your life.


3. It Encourages You To Be Lazy

Think of it like this. If you spoil your children and shower them with gifts, especially with money, they’ll become lazy.

Why? Because you’re giving them a free allowance and they don’t have to work for it.

The jobcentre works off the same principle. They’re paying you for free, which encourages you to be lazy, settle for less and be comfortable.

Thousands of people have become lazy as a result of the jobcentre. 

Don’t let that person be you. 


4. It Encourages You To Be Average

All the jobcentre expects you to do is get a basic job, with basic benefits, and a basic salary. That’s an average way of thinking.

And whether you get the job or not, they expect you to be their little bitch and will discourage you from making progress.

You won’t get no words of encouragement. No recommendations for starting a business.

They won’t push you to be great or do great things. And they won’t encourage you to go self-employed or provide any other alternatives.

All you’ll get is – “Just get a job that will bring in a little extra money”.

That last sentence has AVERAGE spray painted all over it.

Average isn’t going to help you live a happy, fulfilling, stress free, financially successful life.


5. It’s Easier To Get A Job Without Their Help

Application form

Every job I’ve ever had whether it was before I was at the jobcentre, after or in between, the jobcentre didn’t play any part in me getting the job.

What’s the point in traveling all the way to the jobcentre just to look through jobs via a machine?

When you can look for a BIGGER range of jobs on the internet, at home, or at the library?

DIY works best. Be Independent.


6. They Don’t Help You With Writing A CV


If you want real professional help with writing a CV and general job advice… Check out Connexions (Now known as – Career Connect).

I can’t speak for their service today, but when I was there they were impressive.

I suggest you watch the YouTube video of Sandy below.

She gives simple advice on writing your CV, what to add, and what to avoid…



7. They’re Discouraging

I remember watching dispatches in 2012 on channel 4 about the jobcentre.

There was somebody on there who told her adviser she is starting up a business.

I know I’m not surprised, but in response her adviser actually laughed at her.

As if to say “you can’t start-up a business, you’re useless”. This is just one example out of many.

From my experience you can’t tell them too much, because they’re hardly supportive or willing to help you.

And you can’t claim an allowance even If you’re studying just so you’re aware. That’s if you tell them that is.

If you’re gonna start-up your own business, get advice elsewhere because they’re not very helpful where jobs, business and educations concerned.


8. It Teaches You To Be Overly Dependent

Being too dependent

in any type of situation is stupid, and dangerous.

Relying on somebody else to save you and help you is foolish, and a crippling way to think.

Nobody’s obligated to help you, and you shouldn’t rely on others to help you either.

When you become to dependent on someone else, like the jobcentre, here’s what happens. –

  1. You become their little bitch.
  2. You become a slave to a poverty wage.
  3. You’re obligated to follow the rules.
  4. You have no say in the matter.
  5. You become useless without their help.
  6. You become DEPENDENT, instead of INDEPENDENT.
  7. You become unable to do things for yourself.
  8. You become too comfortable.
  9. You fear going out on your own and providing for yourself.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned which you need to learn, the only person who can help you is YOU.


9. It’s a Flawed, Out-Dated System

Which is why it has so many loop holes and UN-inspiring help. Why do you think so many people are gaming their system? And getting away with it?

So many places out there are so much better than the jobcentre in finding you work.

Here’s a video of Amy’s experience with the Jobcentre. It highlights some points I’ve already made.


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