Wanna know which diet is the MOST popular in the world?
These trending diets are measured by month (last one was August 2023).
It’s all based around:
- Trends.
- Data.
- Statistics.
And is pulled directly from Google’s treasure trove of BIG data, which dates back to 2004.
Foods compared:
Mediterranean Diet.
- Keto Diet.
- Vegan Diet.
- Carnivore Diet.
- Low fat diet.
You could argue these diets are the most famous, so let’s continue with this.
Keto, Mediterranean, low fat, Carnivore, Vegan statistics – September 2023
Similar to August 2023, the ketogenic diet is absolutely killing it. It’s the dominant bar in the trend graph.
It focuses on:
- Vegetables (low carb).
- Low carb fruits.
- Nuts and seeds (low carb).
- Animal products.
- Dairy.
And whole foods in general.
The more the keto diet succeeds in helping people (which it is doing), the more this bar will rise and maintain.
Next in line is The Mediterranean diet which is slightly higher than the carnivore diet, similar to August 2023’s data.
Olive Oil, some nuts, fruits, veg, etc, make up the European diet.
You can’t get rid of something that works, and the Mediterranean diet works regardless of arguments and debates online.
3rd is The Carnivore diet, which is really a subset of the keto diet. Only more focused (animal products only).
That means red meat, white meat, seafood, shellfish, dairy, and eggs.
This carnivore diet has been rising since the past 2 years, which is documented here in a carnivore vs vegan comparison post.
4th, we have the vegan diet which isn’t doing too well and this has been consistent in 2023.
It needs no explanation.
5th (last) is the low fat diet, which unless you have an actual defect with your body is an insanely unhealthy way to live your life. And conunterintutitve.
I’m glad the low fat diet is taking a pounding to the face after all these years.
Low-fat milk, dairy, butter, cheese, lean meats, etc, is what makes up the low-fat diet, but people have wisened up.
Relevant: The Pros And Cons Of A Low Carbohydrate Diet (No Bullshit)
Keto, Mediterranean, low fat, Carnivore, Vegan stats in the last 7 days (September-Oct 2023)
The graph doesn’t change much even when you adjust for the last 7 days (It’s October 2nd 2023 today).
The keto diet is still dominant, with the Mediterranean diet barely ahead of carnivore, the so-called “unhealthy” diet some scream about online.
Followed by the vegan diet which is only slightly ahead of the low fat diet, the latter of which deserves to die quickly.
I have a feeling The Mediterranean diet and the carnivore diet will continue to battle it out to death for the next year, and the carnivore diet could surpass it by then.
The vegan and low fat diet won’t be trending ever again for years to come. Their fame and glory have passed.
But let’s wait and see.
Keep your eyes peeled for October’s breakdown next month.
September 2023 Month (Diet Comparisons)
September 2023 last 7 days (diet comparisons)
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