I’ve been covering the most popular diets in the world for a few months now.
Of course, there are a lot of diets out there, so I only focus on the ones that are most relevant.
Measuring it with:
- Trends.
- Data.
- Statistics.
And then see how that compares for the month of October 2023.
Diets compared:
Mediterranean Diet.
- Keto Diet.
- Vegan Diet.
- Carnivore Diet.
- Low fat diet.
Few would debate the popularity of these diets compared to others (except Paleo maybe) so we’ll stick with these as I have been doing.
Google Trends is the source.
Keto, Mediterranean, low fat, Carnivore, Vegan statistics – October 2023
For the month of October 2023, we can see the ketogenic diet has been dominating which is a typical trend for the year 2023.
Surprisingly though, the Mediterranean diet did peak during October, surpassing the keto diet for maybe 1 day or 2 days at most.
The carnivore diet almost did the same when compared to the Mediterranean diet, but the vegan and low-fat diet (yellow and green bars) performed poorly.
They’re both so far out of the league that may as well not bother.
Relevant: Saturated Fat Causes Heart Disease?
Keto, Mediterranean, low fat, Carnivore, Vegan stats in the last 7 days (October 2023)
Even when you compare the last 7 days (Last week of October 2023), the keto diet is still slaughtering the competition by a noticeable amount.
Though it seems the Mediterranean diet caught up towards the last day or so, where it and the keto diet were almost equal.
The Mediterranean diet and the carnivore diet are at each other’s necks, fighting for supremacy. The green and blue bar couldn’t be closer for the “past 7 days” stats.
The vegan diet and the low-fat diet are so close they may as well be kissing. They show no signs of growth.
Keto, Mediterranean, low fat, Carnivore, Vegan stats in the last 24 hours (October 31st-Nov 1st 2023)
This time I decided to add the last 24 hours to the mix to give a relatively recent breakdown compared to just the month in general.
As you can see, the ketogenic diet is still the king of the castle, and it’s not willing to give up the throne.
The Mediterranean diet has had its bumps but still not enough to stand in the way or destroy the castle that the ketogenic diet sits inside, comfortably.
The carnivore diet is so close to the Mediterranean diet and it even surpassed it at certain points in the last 24 hours (as of November 1st 2023).
The vegan diet is struggling to hold up, while the low fat diet has fallen flat on its face pretty much.
Side note
The low fat diet is misinformed for those who have no special dietary needs as far as fat consumption goes.
Its popularity declining is well deserved.
I suspect the vegan diet is in the same casket because of all the “vegan” labelled products that are full of bullshit and is nothing more than a marketing term for trash food.
That aside, it’s clear the ketogenic diet is the winner if measuring by:
- trending data.
- Weekly, monthly, or even trends in the past 24 hours.
- Popularity.
- How many people search and are interested in diets around the world.
And so on.
Google is a reliable treasure trove of data which is why I’m using it.
Keep your eyes peeled for next month’s breakdown.
October 2023 Month (Diet Comparisons)
October 2023 last 7 days (diet comparisons)
Food categories breakdown:
Keto foods:
- Whole foods.
- Plant foods.
- Organic meats.
- Wild caught seafood.
- Animal products.
Mediterranean foods:
- Olive oil.
- Nuts and seeds.
- Some dairy.
- Some meats.
- Plenty of seafood.
- Plenty of cheese like Feta.
- Fruits and vegetables.
Carnivore diet foods:
- Healthy meats.
- Seafood.
- Dairy.
- Eggs.
Vegan diet foods:
- Vegetables.
- Fruits.
Low fat diet foods:
- Low-fat dairy.
- Lean meats or fish.
- Meat or fish without the skin.
- Etc.
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