What’s the definition of junk food?
It seems everyone has their own definition of what junk food is.
Maybe some people have a distorted view of what it sounds, looks, feels, or tastes like.
Junk Food can also be classed as food that affects you personally, despite how others receive it.
Let’s talk about it.
1. Food that tastes TOO sweet
The only people who can notice if food tastes too sweet are those who don’t gorge on sweet foods, daily.
I’m now one of those people after quitting added sugar and sweet foods for so long.
When you stuff your face every day with:
- Tons of honey in your tea.
- Cakes.
- Desserts, regardless of size.
- Chocolate.
- Syrup.
- Cookies.
And all the rest of it, you’ll notice it tastes sweet but the sweetness will give you excitement rather than disgust.
This is one definition of Junk food.
Related: 16 Signs You STILL Have A Sweet Tooth
2. Food you can’t eat every day
Think about it.
If you can’t eat a certain food on a daily basis, is it really healthy, wholesome food?
This can also apply if a food causes you problems as an individual if eaten every day.
- Cakes.,
- Cookies.
- Chocolates.
- Pastries.
- Syrup.
- Added sugars.
These are just some of the things you can’t eat on a daily basis, proving that it’s the definition of junk food.
The same can’t be said about seafood, vegetables, and real wholesome foods (unless it triggers you).
3. Foods that are too high in salt (table salt especially)
I’m not talking about a teaspoon of salt here. I’m talking about spoons of salt. The kind you find in a restaurant, takeaway, fast food, etc.
When you go to the chippy in the UK for example, the food is loaded with salt and vinegar, to the point you’d have to tell them to chill the fuck out when pouring on the salt because it’s that much.
In Restaurants, especially when you can’t see how they make the food, you can bet there is a lot of salt being poured onto the food to enhance the taste beyond belief.
Table salt is usually the ingredient, which is processed with caking agents.
Plus when you have junk food loaded with so much salt, it makes your potassium suffer since potassium intake should be higher than your salt intake to avoid problems.
4. Food that is TOO cheap
Cheap is relative and it will depend on your country, but when food is too damn cheap, you know something is wrong.
Buying beef that costs only £1.50 in the UK? You know you better not eat it because buying beef so cheap isn’t normal in the UK at that price.
That being said, beef that costs £2.50 is of a lesser quality than beef that’s £5 or £6 and is organic.
What about chocolate biscuits on the aisles of a supermarket or the food they put out at the front to entice people to buy?
Or the McDonald’s cheeseburger and fries combo?
Or the bread devoid of nutrition that costs 30p for a ton of loaves?
When it’s too good to be true, it’s junk food, sometimes masquerading as real food.
5. Food that’s pumped with pesticides or antibiotics
When you buy meat that’s filled with antibiotics and who knows what else, can you even call it real food anymore?
No. It’s junk food now.
What about vegetables or fruits that are sprayed to death with who knows what chemicals, eventually causing a noticeable reaction in people after years of consumption?
It’s hard to say this is real, wholesome food despite the source being a whole food.
Once it’s processed so much that it’s not recognizable by taste or sight, or it’s modified to a sickening degree, it becomes junk food because it can have the same effect in the long run.
6. Food that worsens your skin and causes flare-ups
This might be a new way of looking at things, but it’s true. If food causes you to flare up, how can it be considered healthy or wholesome?
It doesn’t matter that other people might be able to eat those foods, whether it’s because it hasn’t affected them yet, or because they have a tolerance for it. If YOU can’t have it without flare-ups and bad skin, it’s junk food.
End of conversation.
After all, junk food is food that isn’t good for you by definition. So even if the food is considered healthy but doesn’t work that way for you, it now is junk food even if on an individual basis.
7. Food that raises your heart rate to an unhealthy degree
When you eat certain foods, be it from:
- Supermarket.
- Takeaway.
- Fast food.
- Coffee shop.
- Dessert shop.
Or wherever you eat it and buy it from, if it raises your heart rate to a noticeable degree, you can already bet something you’re eating is NOT good for you.
Food shouldn’t raise your heart rate to an unhealthy degree, and this can be caught by how you’re feeling, or with someone like a fitness watch, etc.
Sometimes you have to test down to the detail to find out which specific thing is causing it, though it could be multiple things mixed together that cause it.
Artificial sugars did that for me, and that’s why I stopped it straight away.
It’s junk food in disguise if it raises your heart rate.
8. Food that makes you sh*t bricks
All this talk about fibre has people believing that it’s normal to be constipated, or normal to be sh*tting a whole lot during a single day like you’re a rabbit.
Food that makes you do this is questionable when it comes to the quality and its impact on your health.
If it’s doing this to you, it means a few things:
- It’s passing through your body much too fast.
- Your body is desperately trying to get rid of it.
- It’s not sitting in your digestive system for very long.
They say the digestive process can take up to 16 hours, so if you’re on the toilet doing the dirty multiple times a day, it means the food you eat is doing you a disservice and can be considered junk food.
And is likely to be actual junk food as well.
9. Food that makes you constipated
Constipation is a unique situation. It means you have stones for stools and trying to push stones out your you know what is a difficult task to pull off.
Food shouldn’t be doing that. If it’s sliding through like a water slide in the multiples on multiple occasions per day, that’s one thing. But if it’s rock solid, that’s another.
When I cut out the fibre which doctors kept telling me is the holy grail to fixing constipation, guess what? It went away, and so did the associated problems like haemorrhoids, bleeding, and all that not so good stuff.
If it’s not fibre it could be some other form of food that is junk food for your body that’s causing problems.
Investigate it like the FBI, and leave no stone unturned and watch how it magically vanishes.
10. Food made in a laboratory
You must have heard of the BS called “plant-based” meats, cheese, and all the rest of that crap they’re trying to persuade idiots into eating.
Well, this food can be classed as food made in a lab because there is nothing natural, normal, or organic about it.
If it didn’t come from the ground, the earth, the sea, or nature, then you know it’s a load of BS they’re trying to sell you.
No real food is in the category of:
- Plant-based meat.
- Lab meat.
- Plant-based cheese.
- Vegan burgers.
- Vegan beef.
Or any of the other cringey names they come up with to make it somehow sound healthy, happy, positive, and good for humans.
It’s JUNK food at the end of the day.
11. Food that cannot reverse your diabetes, conditions, etc
If you have diabetes and the food you eat keeps you diabetic, it’s doing nothing for you but encouraging jabs and needles in the form of insulin.
If you have skin issues and the food you eat doesn’t reverse it, not only are you wasting your time eating that junk, but all the so-called health benefits of those foods like antioxidants doesn’t mean shit in that scenario.
This applies to all conditions that can be reversed through diet, even when it’s preached to not be possible despite the evidence.
This doesn’t take a PHD or an MD verification to say or understand, it takes common sense.
If it’s not working despite the benefits they preach, it’s junk food for you, and you need to find the foods that work for you and that DO reverse the conditions that were likely caused by diet in the first place.
In the end, Junk food is food your body can’t handle for multiple reasons, which becomes obvious over time.
Find your own individual food group, and ignore everything else. After all, what works for your body is always superior to the science, the limited studies, and the many biases preached by healthcare professionals who should know better (some do).
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